Brachial Plexus Surgery Specialist

Southwest Hand and Microsurgery
Robert Kwon, MD
Hand Surgeon located in Plano, TX
Brachial plexus nerve injuries can lead to extreme pain, burning, and loss of sensation in your arm, wrist, and hand. Robert K. Kwon, MD is a skilled, double board-certified hand surgeon offering several brachial plexus surgery techniques at Southwest Hand and Microsurgery in Plano, Texas. If you’re having nerve pain associated with your brachial plexus, call Southwest Hand and Microsurgery or schedule an appointment online today.
Brachial Plexus Surgery Q & A
What is the brachial plexus?
The brachial plexus is a collection of nerves in the neck area of your spine. This network of nerves sends signals between your spinal cord, shoulder, arm, and hand.
Symptoms of a brachial plexus injury can vary based on their location and severity, but they often include:
- Extreme pain, burning sensations, or electrical shocks shooting down your arm
- Restricted function of the muscles in that area
- Loss of sensation or weakness in your arm, wrist, or hand
- Inability to feel or move your arm, shoulder, or hand
Minor brachial plexus injuries are also known as burners or stingers.
What causes brachial plexus injuries?
When you injure your brachial plexus, your nerves are either compressed, stretched, or separated from the spinal cord. These types of injuries are common during contact sports like football but can also develop during birth.
Additional causes of brachial plexus injury include inflammation, tumors, and car or motorcycle accidents.
In some cases, mild brachial plexus injuries heal properly without treatment. At other times, they require a surgical procedure to ensure a full recovery.
What can I expect during brachial plexus surgery?
Dr. Kwon is an experienced hand surgeon who performs several types of brachial plexus surgical procedures to repair damage to nerves in the area.
Based on the extent of your brachial plexus damage, Dr. Kwon might suggest treatments that include nerve grafts to remove and replace damaged nerves or nerve transfers that reconnect a nerve to a less important nerve in the spinal cord.
Dr. Kwon also performs muscle transfers to correct brachial plexus injuries. This procedure uses other healthy muscles or tendons from another area of your body to reconnect blood vessels and nerves.
What can I expect after brachial plexus surgery?
Nerves grow approximately 1 inch per month, so recovering from brachial plexus surgery can be a lengthy process. As your nerves heal, your symptoms gradually improve, beginning at your shoulder, moving into your arm, and ending in your hand.
Throughout your recovery, Dr. Kwon works with you to ensure optimal results. Physical therapy also plays a critical role in your healing process by strengthening your muscles and keeping your joints flexible.
If you need brachial plexus surgery, call Southwest Hand and Microsurgery or schedule an appointment online today. Our practice serves those in Plano and Dallas, TX.